Team Coaching Supervision - Three Day Workhop with Dr Alison Hodge
If you are already practising as a team coaching supervisor, with or without formal training in team coaching, this workshop will enable you to explore and collaborate with others over the issues we encounter as supervisors of team coaching
Recent research indicates that team coaches appreciate the value of coaching supervision. Many feel the support is vital as they navigate the practical and psychological issues that arise within their client groups. So how do we, as coaching supervisors, provide the depth and quality of supervision they need?
Who is this workshop for?
- The workshop is for qualified, practising team coaching supervisors. We’d like you to be:
- Seeking to develop and deepen your learning as a coaching supervisor
- Experienced in working with supervisees who are facilitating group and team coaching and OD interventions in organisational settings
- Willing to do, or have done, some personal development work around groups
- Willing to engage in experiential inquiry and practice to explore the impact of groups on yourself and others
- Willing to engage in pre-work and reading to extend your knowledge and skills
How will you Benefit?
- Deepen your understanding and appreciation of the complex elements of team coaching supervision
- Develop your knowledge and skill in applying a range of supervision models and theories to the team coaching context
- Explore and practise how you engage with others and facilitate in group settings, in order to inform how you supervise team coaches
- You will receive a CSA CPD Certificate of Attendance on completion of the workshop and it will count for 30 hours of CPD
There will be two days of learning space in November. Delivered virtually and with consideration given in the design to include generous breaks and small group work to reduce on-screen hours and encourage interactive participation.
Then the time and space to practice new ideas, principles and created experience with your clients before we meet again as a group in February. This day will be used to consolidate the learning, safely share your experiences and receive feedback and further analysis on best practice models for successful Team Coaching Supervision.
More details about this new offering from Alison and CSA are available in this Workshop Brochure

This programme will be led by Dr Alison Hodge, who has extensive experience of working with groups and teams as well as coaching supervision.
Find out more about Alison on her website: alisonhodge.com
Book Now! - Places on these workshops will be stictly limited
Workshop options:
To make this learning opportunity accessible to those in all time zones we have designed this workshop with two options:
Option 1
Part 1 (2 days)
22nd and 23rd November 2023, 09:00 to 17:30 (UK)
Part 2 (1 day)
12th February 2024, 09:00 to 17:30 (UK)
To register for Option 1 please use this link: Team Coaching Supervision - Three Day Workshop (option 1)
Option 2
Part 1 (4 x half days)
13th and 14th November 2023, 08:00 to 12:00 (UK), 16:00 - 20:00 SGT
27th and 28th November 2023, 08:00 to 12:00 (UK), 16:00 - 20:00 SGT
Part 2 (2 x half days)
5th and 6th February 2024, 08:00 to 12:00 (UK) 16:00 - 20:00 SGT
To Register your place now for Option 2, please use the links at the top of this page or click here