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CSA CPD - Exploring our choices when a coachee expresses thoughts of suicide in a coaching session

  • 7 Nov 2023
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Virtual
  • 7


  • Free for CSA Accredited Supervisors & Students
  • (+vat) Non CSA Accredited Supervisors or Students

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Anne Archer

Exploring our choices when a coachee expresses thoughts of suicide in a coaching session with Anne Archer, coach, coach supervisor, mental health advocate and educator. 

As coaches and coach supervisors we are privileged to be alongside clients at the best of times and sometimes the worst. Anyone who is at a place of considering ending their life because they see no other option to escape their pain needs support. If a client expresses the depth of their feelings and thoughts to us, it may be they have told no-one else. This can be about themselves or someone else. How we react and respond in that moment they share with us, may save a life.

In this session we will explore:

  • Some myths about suicide and that it isn’t always someone exhibiting signs of declining mental health who are having suicidal thoughts
  • Our own assumptions, values, and attitudes towards suicide generally and then specifically in the coaching context
  • What is needed in that moment of sharing with us?
  • How can we react and respond in a way that reduces stigma and discrimination and supports resource building?
  • How does our ethical code and contracting support us in these moments?

We will use case studies, breakout room discussions, plenary sharing with input and content. We will explore the topic both from a supervisory and coach perspective.

A prevous participant said about this session: 

Good, very odd to say enjoyable or interesting about such a dark subject but overall yes very interesting.

About Anne Archer:I am a coach, coach supervisor, mental health advocate and educator and suicide prevention trainer. I work with Mental Health First Aid England, the National Centre for Suicide Prevention and Training, I volunteer for a crisis line and have first-hand experience of the devastation suicide can bring to family, friends and colleagues.

In this work specifically my clients include public and private sector, global corporations, professional service firms, a major animal charity and many smaller organisations. I hold an MSc in the Psychology of Wellbeing which included a spell in the community during our Clinical Psychology stint.

The most important piece of my story is that I am passionate in creating a future for my grandchildren where they can thrive and flourish. For me suicide prevention work is life affirming. It means choosing life and that can sometimes feel like the hardest option.

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