Introducing Creativity’s Compass Rose: 8 Ways for You to Own your Creativity and to re-Source Your Practice
“The most regretful people on earth” - wrote Mary Oliver in ‘Of Power and Time’ – “are those who felt the call of creative work, who felt their own creative power restive and uprising and gave it neither power nor time”
Creativity is our birth right – but this often gets forgotten or overlooked in the life’s busyness and rush. Yet finding our bearings and balance points – as well as our sources of nourishment - is crucial. We are all creative in our own ways – and whether consciously or not we are creating in every moment in every day.
Yet, the more we strike off in new directions - as well as re-visit the known - we dare ourselves and our clients to imagine (or re-imagine) what is possible and bring this forth as the best most creative version of ourselves and who we are in our work.
And so in this season of early Autumn, we invite you to open up to the unique gifts and savour the treasures of your own innate and warm-hearted creativity, whilst also exploring new ways of resourcing yourself – and what might you need to let go of to invite into your heart and your life to manifest a richer and more creative work life. As Albert Einstein wrote “problems cannot be solved from the consciousness that created them”. In a fraught world which desperately needs our creativity, what might become possible if we were all able to increase our wholehearted creativity by even 2%, never mind 5 or 10 or 15%? Who we are is how we create. What are you choosing?
Our session will be a safe, fun, experiential and interactive space where you can find your own unique ways to flourish as we explore together…
- How can you start – or remember - to answer the call to your inner artistry?
- Discover 8 core practices which can support you to be more in tune with your own intimate process of discovery to find the extra-ordinary in the ordinary, to play as if no one is watching, and to say ‘yes’ with real gusto to our own complex, beautiful creative self
- Receive a copy of the Creativity’s Compass Design with supporting questions in a Workbook
We will invite you to journey with us through the 8 cardinal points of our new Compass Rose to find your own creative flourishing whatever direction you take. We will also share what we have learned about creating to flourish from our students on our yearlong Tapestry Diploma journey as they explored their own creative voice and dived into a deeper appreciation of the ebbs and flows of the creative process.
Please bring paper and coloured pens and pencils.
“If not now, when?”
Rabbi Hillel
Hosts: Elaine Patterson & Karyn Prentice
Karyn Prentice and Elaine Patterson are Senior Faculty at the Coaching Supervision Academy International Ltd. They are seasoned coaches, supervisors and writers. Together they are Patterson Prentice Designs an award-winning team bringing their creativity to the world of leadership and professional practice.
Elaine: www.elainepattersonexecutivecoaching.com
Karyn: www.fletcherprentice.com
Joining: This is a 90 minute webinar - please keep the date/time. The Zoom link will be sent the day before the event.