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Author Talk: Coaching Supervision Groups: Resourcing Practitioners

  • 9 Dec 2021
  • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (GMT)
  • Virtual via Zoom

Coaching Supervision Groups

Following the publication of Coaching Supervision Groups: Resourcing Practitioners by Jo Birch in November 2021, there are a series of Author Talks & Workshops led by Jo and the book's Contributing Authors 

About this event:

Chapter 1 "Coaching Supervision in Groups: Framing the Encounter" with Jo Birch

Coaches, Counsellors, and our wider practitioner community - everyone welcome!

Where would YOU begin if you were to run a Supervision Group?

Actually....where is the beginning?

Let's unravel the thread in this experiential workshop!

Tug gently on Supervision Group, Session 1....

Imagine here we are in Session 1. Yes! This is important in meeting, contracting, laying the foundations of our work together....and taking our steps into the group encounter.

And what of the weeks and months and years before this moment?

As the Group Supervisor, what questions have I been asking myself? What has influenced both the questions themselves and my unique answers?

What are your questions? What are your answers? And what is influencing your unique journey into holding, and/or participating, in a Group Supervision experience?

Come along and see what might unfold

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 "This book takes the reader into the heart of the practice of supervision – its methods, models and its magic"

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