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CSA - Certificate in Developing Self as Group Coaching Supervisor

  • 28 Sep 2021
  • Virtual via Zoom - UK/US from Sep 2021 to Sep 2022 & APAC from Feb 2022 - Feb 2023


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Dr Alison Hodge

Dr Kathryn Downing

with Dr Alison Hodge and Dr Kathryn M Downing

Join us for a year of engaging in a deep, emergent exploration into group supervision underpinned and informed by an action research approach. Based around adult learning theory this is about reflection on practice. This is about groups and group facilitation and who are we as supervisors in this practice. As we create the container we will enable those who come into our supervision groups to continue to learn and grow in their practice because of our capability, flexibility, and capacity.

We will meet as a whole cohort for the core of the program for three, two-day modules and a final integration day. The cohort will be small, between 12 and 18 at the maximum. In the final day you will have an opportunity, as a cohort, to share your integrated view of who you have become as group supervisors.

The learning happens throughout the year. We would like everybody to form peer practice groups, which will be rich with feedback and learning. These will be two and a half hour sessions meeting at least 6 times.

We've found that tutorials are invaluable. The group comes together with questions about your practice, about your reading, and about theory, practice and experiences with the modules. We support with inquiry, guidance, suggestions and examples.

As participants each of you will be running a group of your own, and that's almost a prerequisite before you join the program. Having an active group running, with at least six sessions over the 12 months will provide you with live experience in your own client work. You will commit to be in your own supervision of your supervision of groups with at least six sessions over the 12 months.

Each of you will develop a learning portfolio throughout the year. The portfolio can be in the form of photographs, recordings, diary, journaling, however you like to do that. And of course, a reading list to die for, some of which you will be familiar with and some will be new to you. Given the breadth and depth of experience in this group, there will be additional books you may like to add to the reading list.

What you can expect:

  • Discover more about yourself as supervisor in the group context
  • Investigate the unique elements of group supervision
  • Explore group dynamics
  • Deepen your commitment to diversity, inclusion and cross-cultural awareness.
  • Deepen your use of observing and naming psychodynamics at play
  • Engage in action learning sets
  • Cultivate an inquiring practitioner stance
  • Inform your work by considering the research within coaching supervision and group supervision

Date & Key Themes for the 3 modules:


Module 1: 28-29 September 2021
Cultivation of self with a focus on self in relationships in groups.

Module 2: 8-9 February 2022
Facilitation processes, awareness and tasks with an eye on individual and group development.

Module 3: 7-8 June 2022
Improvisation and Artistry in group supervision.

and 15 September 2022 – Integration Day

Times - This will be delivered virtually via Zoom: click here to download a full schedule for the UK programme

UK 14.00 – 20.00
USA (EST) 9.00-15.00

Programme Cost:

Early Bird before 30 June 2021: £5750 +UK VAT

Standard Rate from 01 July 2021: £6250 +UK VAT


Dates with times more suitable for those in Asia/Pacific time zones are also now confirmed. Please click here to see the full details or click here to see the programme schedule 

We will be starting on 23rd February 2022 leading to Integration day on the 16th February 2023. Please register interest or email us if you are interested in this programme.

Registering Interest:

You can register your interest in this programme here. This assumes no commitment yet on our/your part. All those who express interest will be invited to a brief conversation with either Alison or Kathryn to explore the programme in more details and answer any questions you may have.

Places on this programme are strictly limited and will Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis following the conversations. 

Dr Alison Hodge and Dr Kathryn M Downing are on LinkedIn:

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  • CSA - Certificate in Developing Self as Group Coaching Supervisor

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 "This book takes the reader into the heart of the practice of supervision – its methods, models and its magic"

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